Saturday, June 4, 2011

New Beginnings

My posts have been sparse lately, but it isn't easy to keep your spirits up when fungus gets you down. Also, the intense heat has a way of baking everything. Still, there is new growth that I am hopeful about.

I planted beans today with the corn I previously planted. I am trying out the Three Sisters Method used by the Native Americans. Here is the site I have been referring to:

corn sprouts
Corn Sprouts

Meanwhile, my rosemary marches on as if nothing ever happened.
Tuscan Blue Rosemary

Blackberries are ripening.

muscadine blossoms
The wild grapes have got the cutest tiny blossoms right now.

And nothing ever fazes the four o' clocks.

I started to get excited about our first okra pod, but now it isn't looking so good and I'm having doubts about its durability.
I discovered a new mushroom growing from one of my herb planters. It could be a different type of inky cap... or not. As interested as I have gotten in fungus, it's difficult not throw my hands up at the whole lot. Oh, how to reconcile my love of fungus with my disdain?!